March Planning Meeting - ONLINE


MARCH 18th, 6pm - 7:30pm, Online/phone only

Join us for our monthly planning meeting. All are welcome to help us plan upcoming hikes, projects and more! Our main subject will be planning spring and summer hikes and clean up events.

Unlike our normal meetings, this meeting will be held as a web/phone meeting.

There are three options to connect to the zoom meeting.
1)Use a smartphone. You will need to download the zoom app. Then click the link below
2)Use a laptop/computer/tablet that has a webcam. All you have to do is click the link bellow. No need to pre-download anything.
3)Call in. If a computer is not available, you can call in using the number below with the meeting ID.

Click the Link below to join via smartphone or computer:

Dial in if you prefer:
Number: 1-646-876-9923
Meeting ID: 894 979 289

I would encourage using video chat options as opposed to the simple call in as it helps enhance understanding and connection by being able to actually see each other. Note, even if your computer doesn’t have a webcam, you can still click the link below to watch the video stream of everyone else and see shared documents.

Cedar Campus Moonlight Snowshoe - Feb 21st, 6:30pm - 8:30pm

Meet at the Old Mill Point Lodge (map here: Come enjoy the wonders of the glistening snow as we take a stroll through the forest and to the shore on February 21. We will explore the woods and area known as Sandy Cove at Cedar Campus, a beautiful retreat and training center with miles of great trails. Plan on a round trip of around 1.5 miles of snow shoeing. We will hike this in the dark, but with the moon there should be plenty of light to see. Cedar Campus recreation staff Ellie Corbin will guide and help those new to snowshoes learn the ropes. Bring your own Snowshoes or rent some for Cedar Campus for $5. If there is interest, a campfire is a possibility after the hike. Don't Miss this great opportunity to get out and see something new!

Learn the Trails Hike - Munuscong Wildlife Management Area Sept 26th, 6pm-7:30pm.

Join us as we hike out into the sunset along one of the largest wetlands in the area. Sept 26th, 6pm - 7:30pm. We will hike about 2.5 miles round trip, out along a flat artificial dike that creates a large stretch of protected wetland in Munuscong bay. Birds are a plenty and muskrat, beaver and sometimes otter are seen here.

Meet at the end of the Munuscong State Forest Campground Road.

The google maps link here will show you the way:

Directions: Turn east off M129 onto 22 Mile Road (thi is 2 miles north of blinking light in Pickford). In three miles turn north(left) onto Riverside Drive. In one mile turn east (right) onto Campground Rd/21 mile Rd. Drive one mile down the dirt road. At the 4-way stop turn north (right). Drive .7 miles till you get to the campground/boat launch. Turn right and drive to the end of the dirt road (1 mile) park here.